
editor.md 参数和方法

2024-08-28 / 0 评论 / 0 点赞 / 50 阅读 / 10094 字 / 正在检测是否收录...
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var testEditor;
            $(function() {
                $.get('test.md', function(md){
                    testEditor = editormd("test-editormd", {
                        width: "90%",
                        height: 740,
                        path : '../lib/',
                        theme : "dark",
                        previewTheme : "dark",
                        editorTheme : "pastel-on-dark",
                        markdown : md,
                        codeFold : true,
                        //syncScrolling : false,
                        saveHTMLToTextarea : true,    // 保存 HTML 到 Textarea
                        searchReplace : true,
                        //watch : false,                // 关闭实时预览
                        htmlDecode : "style,script,iframe|on*",            // 开启 HTML 标签解析,为了安全性,默认不开启    
                        //toolbar  : false,             //关闭工具栏
                        //previewCodeHighlight : false, // 关闭预览 HTML 的代码块高亮,默认开启
                        emoji : true,
                        taskList : true,
                        tocm            : true,         // Using [TOCM]
                        tex : true,                   // 开启科学公式TeX语言支持,默认关闭
                        flowChart : true,             // 开启流程图支持,默认关闭
                        sequenceDiagram : true,       // 开启时序/序列图支持,默认关闭,
                        //dialogLockScreen : false,   // 设置弹出层对话框不锁屏,全局通用,默认为true
                        //dialogShowMask : false,     // 设置弹出层对话框显示透明遮罩层,全局通用,默认为true
                        //dialogDraggable : false,    // 设置弹出层对话框不可拖动,全局通用,默认为true
                        //dialogMaskOpacity : 0.4,    // 设置透明遮罩层的透明度,全局通用,默认值为0.1
                        //dialogMaskBgColor : "#000", // 设置透明遮罩层的背景颜色,全局通用,默认为#fff
                        imageUpload : true,
                        imageFormats : ["jpg", "jpeg", "gif", "png", "bmp", "webp"],
                        imageUploadURL : "./php/upload.php",
                        onload : function() {
                            console.log('onload', this);
                            //this.resize("100%", 640);
                        tocDropdown   : true,
                        tocTitle      : "目录 Table of Contents",
              testEditor.config("tocDropdown", false);//TOC默认                           });

原文章:editor.md 一些常用的参数和方法 - 风清月的专栏 - TNBLOG


    mode                 : "gfm",          // gfm or markdown
    name                 : "",             // Form element name for post
    value                : "",             // value for CodeMirror, if mode not gfm/markdown
    theme                : "",             // Editor.md self themes, before v1.5.0 is CodeMirror theme, default empty
    editorTheme          : "default",      // Editor area, this is CodeMirror theme at v1.5.0
    previewTheme         : "",             // Preview area theme, default empty
    markdown             : "",             // Markdown source code
    appendMarkdown       : "",             // if in init textarea value not empty, append markdown to textarea
    width                : "100%",
    height               : "100%",
    path                 : "./lib/",       // Dependents module file directory
    pluginPath           : "",             // If this empty, default use settings.path + "../plugins/"
    delay                : 300,            // Delay parse markdown to html, Uint : ms
    autoLoadModules      : true,           // Automatic load dependent module files
    watch                : true,
    placeholder          : "Enjoy Markdown! coding now...",
    gotoLine             : true,           // Enable / disable goto a line
    codeFold             : false,
    autoHeight           : false,
    autoFocus            : true,           // Enable / disable auto focus editor left input area
    autoCloseTags        : true,
    searchReplace        : true,           // Enable / disable (CodeMirror) search and replace function
    syncScrolling        : true,           // options: true | false | "single", default true
    readOnly             : false,          // Enable / disable readonly mode
    tabSize              : 4,
    indentUnit           : 4,
    lineNumbers          : true,           // Display editor line numbers
    lineWrapping         : true,
    autoCloseBrackets    : true,
    showTrailingSpace    : true,
    matchBrackets        : true,
    indentWithTabs       : true,
    styleSelectedText    : true,
    matchWordHighlight   : true,           // options: true, false, "onselected"
    styleActiveLine      : true,           // Highlight the current line
    dialogLockScreen     : true,
    dialogShowMask       : true,
    dialogDraggable      : true,
    dialogMaskBgColor    : "#fff",
    dialogMaskOpacity    : 0.1,
    fontSize             : "13px",
    saveHTMLToTextarea   : false,          // If enable, Editor will create a <textarea name="{editor-id}-html-code"> tag save HTML code for form post to server-side.
    disabledKeyMaps      : [],
    onload               : function() {},
    onresize             : function() {},
    onchange             : function() {},
    onwatch              : null,
    onunwatch            : null,
    onpreviewing         : function() {},
    onpreviewed          : function() {},
    onfullscreen         : function() {},
    onfullscreenExit     : function() {},
    onscroll             : function() {},
    onpreviewscroll      : function() {},
    imageUpload          : false,          // Enable/disable upload
    imageFormats         : ["jpg", "jpeg", "gif", "png", "bmp", "webp"],
    imageUploadURL       : "",             // Upload url
    crossDomainUpload    : false,          // Enable/disable Cross-domain upload
    uploadCallbackURL    : "",             // Cross-domain upload callback url

    toc                  : true,           // Table of contents
    tocm                 : false,          // Using [TOCM], auto create ToC dropdown menu
    tocTitle             : "",             // for ToC dropdown menu button
    tocDropdown          : false,          // Enable/disable Table Of Contents dropdown menu
    tocContainer         : "",             // Custom Table Of Contents Container Selector
    tocStartLevel        : 1,              // Said from H1 to create ToC
    htmlDecode           : false,          // Open the HTML tag identification 
    pageBreak            : true,           // Enable parse page break [========]
    atLink               : true,           // for @link
    emailLink            : true,           // for email address auto link
    taskList             : false,          // Enable Github Flavored Markdown task lists
    emoji                : false,          // :emoji: , Support Github emoji, Twitter Emoji (Twemoji);
                                           // Support FontAwesome icon emoji :fa-xxx: > Using fontAwesome icon web fonts;
                                           // Support Editor.md logo icon emoji :editormd-logo: :editormd-logo-1x: > 1~8x;
    tex                  : false,          // TeX(LaTeX), based on KaTeX
    flowChart            : false,          // flowChart.js only support IE9+
    sequenceDiagram      : false,          // sequenceDiagram.js only support IE9+
    previewCodeHighlight : true,           // Enable / disable code highlight of editor preview area

    toolbar              : true,           // show or hide toolbar
    toolbarAutoFixed     : true,           // on window scroll auto fixed position
    toolbarIcons         : "full",         // Toolbar icons mode, options: full, simple, mini, See `editormd.toolbarModes` property.
    toolbarTitles        : {},
    toolbarHandlers      : {
        ucwords : function() {
            return editormd.toolbarHandlers.ucwords;
        lowercase : function() {
            return editormd.toolbarHandlers.lowercase;
    toolbarCustomIcons   : {               // using html tag create toolbar icon, unused default <a> tag.
        lowercase        : "<a href=\"javascript:;\" title=\"Lowercase\" unselectable=\"on\"><i class=\"fa\" name=\"lowercase\" style=\"font-size:24px;margin-top: -10px;\">a</i></a>",
        "ucwords"        : "<a href=\"javascript:;\" title=\"ucwords\" unselectable=\"on\"><i class=\"fa\" name=\"ucwords\" style=\"font-size:20px;margin-top: -3px;\">Aa</i></a>"
    toolbarIconTexts     : {},
    lang : {  // Language data, you can custom your language.
        name        : "zh-cn",
        description : "开源在线Markdown编辑器<br/>Open source online Markdown editor.",
        tocTitle    : "目录",
        toolbar     : {
        button: {
        dialog : {

